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Intellifarm SA, Rue du Général-Guisan 22, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland - Tel +41 22 700 59 29
The present user guide has been conceived as a reference that you can come to if you need any help or have any questions regarding the use of the software. In case the present guide does not answer your questions, feel free to also take a look at the Frequent Questions section, or to address them directly to us. The website has been created for your convenience for this matter.

Where do I start?

First, you must have received a confirmation email from Wyzio: read it carefully and keep your login credentials for further use. Then you can click on the provided link, copy and then paste it in your browser, or simply enter the following URL in your browser’s address bar:
Introduction to the User Interface

Welcome on Wyzio

Here you will find a quick guide on the different elements of the screen, the different navigation methods, how to do certain specific tasks and even some tips.

But before to start, theses are some of the things you can do with our software, by now (other functionalities will be added in the future) :
– Manage Contacts
– Manage Purchase Invoices
– Manage Sales Invoices
– Manage Sales Invoices Orders
– Manage all the Accounting for a company, including reports, VAT, taxes, invoices generation, journalisation, full closure and re-opening of accounting periods
– Manage Budgets by period, departement, including sub-budgets
– Manage Timesheets for a customer, an order, including different pricings by employee, customer, period of time
– Manage Salaries and Payslips, based on country-wide legal standards, with possible adaptability and ease-of-use
– Manage documents for your company and your employees, with specific company headers
– Manage Articles, including Article Categories and Stocks
– Receive your invoices by email, automatically include them in the system, and manage them with tags and all informations for accounting purposes

Okay, now let's take a look at the interface of the system :

On the left, you will be able to see the main menu, and if you click on the first item under the Wyzio name, the menu will expand.

To make the menu collapse again, you can either
– click anywhere else than in the menu, on your screen
– click on the arrow pointing left that replaced the expand icon
– select a module in the menu and open it

Theses buttons will be used everywhere in the system, each time you wish to save, discard changes, or export data from a module - but we will talk about this later.

And now, the Avatar menu ! From there, you can edit your account parameters, change your avatar picture, or disconnect safely from the system.


To navigate through the system, it is strongly advised to use a computer mouse, even if most of the actions will also be doable with the keyboard. Lists - Once an element is selected in a list (for example, the contacts list), using the up and down arrows of your keyboard will select the next element above or below current selection. You can also select any element in the list by simply clicking on it.

Details – To see the details of a selected element, you can either press enter on your keyboard, or double-click on it.

Special Selections – In some lists, you will be able to select multiple items at the same time. The type of selection can also vary, depending on the keys you press. The first combination of keys will allow you to select a first element (A), then all the elements until the secondary selected element (B). To do this, select a first element, then maintain the following keys on your keyboard while simultaneously using the left-click of your mouse to select the second (and last) element that you want :

– On Windows and Linux computers :

  • shift + click

  • – On MacOS computers :

  • shift + click

  • The second combination of keys will allow you to select multiple elements, individually, but this time without selecting the elements in-between :
    – On Windows and Linux computers :

  • ctrl + click

  • – On MacOS computers :

  • cmd + click

  • Tip : if you have a large selection to make, you can also combine the two methods by using the first one to select most of the items, then using the second method to exclude or include other elements to your selection.

    General modules navigation

    You can use different methods to navigate in the system, depending on your habits or your preferences. You can use the menu on the left, or the already opened module tabs on top of the screen.

    The system allows for 12 modules to be opened at the same time, but you can only work with one serie of unsaved data at once. If you need to use a different module, save your changes or discard them before to navigate to another module. If you have more than 12 modules opened at the same time, close some of them to be able to open other ones.

    Tip : refreshing the page closes all the opened modules tabs at once, but the current one – (press F5 on Windows or Linux, or cmd+R on MacOSX to refresh your currently opened page)

    General lists sorting and filtering guide

    On all the lists of the system, you will be able to sort the columns to have the data contained in a certain order. For example, in the Contacts list, you will be able to sort the contacts alphabetically by (last) Name, by Roles attribution or by contact type.

    All the lists have a default sorting order : chronologically, alphabetically by name, and so on... This default sorting order is represented by a different sorting icon : instead of representing two arrows on top of each other, you will only see one arrow pointing up (ascending) or pointing down (descending). Clicking on any of the sorting icons in the list will have the same effect :
    remove the previous sorting order, and sort the list by ascending or descending order, based on the type of data present in the column you are sorting.

    Filtering is slightly different than sorting, depending on the module and the type of filtering that you can apply. But let's explain with examples:

    1) You want to filter all the contacts, that have a supplier role (and only them), with a name that contains the letters « es ».

      Go to Contacts module
      Click on the Supplier checkbox

    The list is filtered and only contains the contacts with supplier role In the Name filtering field, enter « es »

    The list is filtered and only contains the contacts with supplier role AND the letters « es » (in that specific order)

    2) You want to find all the Journal entries related to a specific date (25th of December 2021), with a restriction on the type of entry (you only want to see the Purchase Invoices).

      Go to the Journal module
      Click on the Type dropdown menu and choose the type « Purchase Invoice »
      Click on the Date field and enter your date filter

    Now the list presents all the journal entries with a Purchase Invoice type, and a date value of 25.12.2021 !

    Advanced filters

    On most of the lists of the system, you will be able to use advanced filters. These filters present options that you can not define in the list. For example, you will be able to find a contact based on a specific city address. You will be able to find a purchase invoice with a specific payment value date.

    How to use them ? By clicking on the funnel icon on the top right of the lists.

    How to log into Wyzio?

    In order to log into the system, you will first need 3 informations

    1. Your email address
    2. Your password
    3. The OTP temporary 6-digits code, called « access code »
    • The email address should be the one you received your credentials with, or the one your IT administrator gave you.
    • If you haven't set your password, just follow the link « I forgot my Password » on the login page
    • The system uses 2-way OTP authentication (Wikipedia - OTP) : a unique 6 digits code is generated by an algorythm which identifies the person by cross-reference (email & password, combined with the specific access code, gives you access).

    What does it mean, for my security ?
    In simple terms, for security matters, this method prevents any unhautorized users from accessing the system. The access code is changed every 30 seconds, preventing someone from guessing it (it takes much more than a few seconds to brute-force a 6-digits password).

    Additionaly, it means that even if, eventually, someone could obtain your email address and your password, that individual would still require the access code!

    What does it mean, for me?
    First of all, you will have to use another software to generate the access codes. You will be able to use browser addons (like OTP-Safe for Chrome), a smartphone app like Google Authenticator, FreeOTP by Red Hat (for Android or for iPhone). All theses applications are free softwares.

    Then, you will need one of the QR code generated by the system for your user account. This QR code can eventually change if you do modifications on your account, like changing passwords or email address, so be sure to always update this code when you modify your account. The QR code looks like this:

    Wikipedia URL encoded in a QR Code

    (note: this image is a QR representation of the URL

    Once you have the QR code, simply scan it with your OTP-generator application to allow it to generate OTP codes. From now on, all you will need to do is click on the application to generate an OTP code, then use it on the Access Code field, in the login page, along with your other credentials.

    Now that you have all the informations you need, you can use the browser of your choice or follow the direct link here:

    You should see the login page of the application

    After entering all the requested informations, click « Submit » to discover the core of the application.

    For your information, be advised that a user can not be logged in the system from different places at the same time:

    • If you log out in one tab of your browser, your account will be considered as « disconnected » everywhere else too – and all your unsaved actions will be lost.
    • If you successfully login with your account on another browser (for exemple: you are already connected with Firefox and attempt to login with Chrome), your previous connexion will be closed, and all your unsaved actions will be lost.
    How to log out of Wyzio?

    To disconnect from the system, you have two options:

    1. Click on the Avatar menu, on the top right of the screen, and select « LOG OUT »
    2. Close your browser window. Your account will be automatically disconnected from the system after 30 minutes.

    Please consider the first option to be the best one.

    How to manage your personal informations?

    My Account Module

    This module contains all your personal and contact informations. You do not need any permission to access it. You have two different ways to enter « My Account »:

    1. By clicking on « My Folder » in the menu, then « My Account »
    2. By opening the Avatar menu and choosing « My Account »

    In this module, you can edit or enter all the informations about you, as you would do for any contact. The Communication section is presented below, then the Address, the Bank account, and the Security sections and finally you will find the System section.

    1. Communications section

      In this section you will find all the fields that concern the communication, such as telephone or e-mail address

    2. Address section
      • To create an address: Here you can enter all the addresses you are bond to. To save, click on the « Save » button located on the top left, below the avatar menu.
      • To add another one: after the first address has been created, use the « click to add+ » button next to the blue « Address Name ». Do not forget to save afterwards.
      • Tip: the field « To the attention of » will be displayed between the name and the address, you can use it, for example, for « c/o » type addresses.
      • The Region field depends on the Country value.
      • Note: the first address will be used as reference in the whole system, so please make sure that the first address is your main one.
      • Tip: you can pick any address after the first one and move it to the first place, for it to become your main address, anytime. To do so, simply « drag & drop » the wanted address name over the first one.
      • To delete: To remove an address, click on the cross icon next to the address name. If you deleted an address by mistake, you will still be able to « Discard » your changes with the so-called button next to « Save ». Do not forget to save after deleting the address.

    3. Bank Account section
      • To create: Here you can enter all the bank accounts you are using. To save, click on the « Save » button located on the top left, below the avatar menu. You will find below some explanations on the type of values expected:
        • Name: the name of the bank account. Please use a distinctive, simple and easy to identify name, to make your task easier later on.
        • Account number: the bank account number, with an IBAN format, as such: CH9300762011623852957. After leaving the field, the account number will be formatted on a more user-friendly way.
        • SWIFT/BIC: the corresponding SWIFT/BIC code for the bank, regarding this specific account.
        • Institution / bank name: this field is meant to define the name of bank institution where the account is, but you will only see it here.
        • Address / Remarks: you can use this field to enter any relevant information regarding the account: your contact name in the bank, the person who is responsible for it in your company, anything.
        • Please do not forget to save after entering your informations or editing them.
        • Tip: if you do not want to enter all the informations now, you can enter only the Name and leave everything else blank. But if you enter an Account number, for example, you will have to enter the other informations as well.
      • To add: to enter another bank account after the first one, use the « click to add » button next to the blue Bank name. Enter your informations and do not forget to save afterwards.
      • Note: the names of each account will be used as reference in the whole system, so please be sure to use unique and recognizable names.
      • Tip: you can move any bank account (after the first one) and move it to the first place, for it to become your main account, anytime. To do so, simply « drag & drop » the wanted address name over the first one. This has no real impact on the system but it can have an impact on your mood.
      • To delete: to remove a bank account, click on the cross icon next to the Bank Account name. The Bank Account deletion process works exactly like the Addresses deletion.

    4. Security section

      Tip: no ideas for your password ? You can use many different websites to generate one for you, just do a search on the web to find one. Also, your internet browser can also probably suggest one for you.

      • In the Security section, you will be able to :
        • Change your password
        • See your QR Code
      • Tip 2 : you can also use « l33t speak » to memorize easily your passwords , like « R3m3mb3r*th12&p455w0rd »

      • About the password
      • Your passwords must comply to the following rules to be accepted by the system:
        • Your password should contain at least 8 characters
        • Your password should contain at least 1 lowercase character : (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)
        • Your password should contain at least 1 uppercase character : (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ)
        • Your password should contain at least 1 number : (0123456789)
        • Your password should contain at least 1 special character : (+""*รง%&/()=?`^![]{}-.,;:_)
      • About the QR Code:
        • The QR Code is specific to your account, so it is strongly advised to scan yours again every time you make changes in the system - specially after a password or email modification. But do it after saving your changes, as the QR code changes occur after saving.

    5. System section

      Here you will find the email address used for invoices scans, explained in the Invoices Scan documentation, as well as your personal token to be used for the EBICS connection and/or ffor the use of the REST API.

    How to use the Avatar menu?

    What is an avatar? The avatar is the image that represents your entity on the system. You will see this image on the top right side of your screen everytime you will be logged in.

    To manage it, simply click on the image representing a portrait : a popup will appear – the avatar menu.

    In this avatar menu, you will see three options:

    • Edit (on the portrait image)

      (below the portrait, your Last Name and First Name)

    • My Account
    • LOG OUT

    « My Account » and « LOG OUT » options are pretty obvious, so I will not detail them here. Click on « Edit »: a new window will open, asking you to locate a file.

    Any common image file type are allowed here (jpeg, jpg, png, gif). The idea size of image is 200x200 pixels (LinkedIn format), but if your image is bigger or smaller, it will be resized.

    Once your image selected, click on « OK » or « Select » on the file selection window (depending on your system and browser), and that's it! No need to save, the changes are automatically saved.

    Note: the avatar is only graphical, it has no real impact on the system other than to please your eyes and allow some changes, sometimes.

    How to recover my password?

    I forgot my password, what can I do?

    In case you forgot your password, you can follow the procedure described below to recover a new password:

    1. In the login page, click on « I forgot my Password »
    2. In the following screen, enter your email address, then click « Submit ».
    3. On the next screen, you should see the following message: « The recovery email was sent to your address. », click « Close »
    4. Check your emails: within the next 2 minutes, you should receive an email with a password reset link. The sender should be
    5. Note: If you did not receive the email, please check the emails spam folder, refresh the inbox folder, try again from step 1. If you already did it, then contact our support team to help you recover your access to the system.)
    6. When the email has been be received, click on the link in the Activation Instructions, or copy/paste the URL in your browser's navigation field and press enter.
    7. In the password recovery screen, define your new password.
    8. Then, enter it again on the second field to confirm it, and click « Submit ».
    9. If all your password complexity was enough for the system requirements, you will then see a new screen to confirm the correct modification of your password. Click on « Go to Login » to continue.
    10. Et voilà! You will now be able to login normally to the system, using your email address, your newly defined password, and your previous OTP code.

    Note: if you use the integrated functionalities of your browser to remember your credentials or password, please be sure the informations are correct. Sometimes, theses integrated modules do things the wrong way.

    How to navigate in Wyzio?


    To navigate through the system, it is strongly advised to use a computer mouse, even if most of the actions will also be doable with the keyboard.

    Lists - Once an element is selected in a list (for example, the contacts list), using the up and down arrows of your keyboard will select the next element above or below current selection. You can also select any element in the list by simply clicking on it.

    Details - To see the details of a selected element, you can either press enter on your keyboard, or double-click on it.

    Special Selections : In some lists, you will be able to select multiple items at the same time. The type of selection can also vary, depending on the keys you press. The first combination of keys will allow you to select a first element (A), then all the elements until the secondary selected element (B). To do this, select a first element, then maintain the following keys on your keyboard while simultaneously using the left-click of your mouse to select the second (and last) element that you want :

    • On Windows and Linux computers:
        shift + click
    • On MacOS computers;:
        shift + click

    The second combination of keys will allow you to select multiple elements, individually, but this time without selecting the elements in-between:

    • On Windows and Linux computers:
        ctrl + click
    • On MacOS computers:
        cmd + click

    Tip: if you have a large selection to make, you can also combine the two methods by using the first one to select most of the items, then using the second method to exclude or include other elements to your selection.

    General modules navigation

    You can use different methods to navigate in the system, depending on your habits or your preferences. You can use the menu on the left, or the already opened module tabs on top of the screen.

    The system allows for 12 modules to be opened at the same time, but you can only work with one serie of unsaved data at once. This allows the system to avoid the cascading effect: one error that is reflected on multiple places, provoking a general exception and system unstability. If you need to use a different module, save your changes or discard them before to navigate to another module. If you have more than 12 modules opened at the same time, close some of them to be able to open other ones.

    Tip: refreshing the page closes all the opened modules tabs at once, all but the current one - (press F5 on Windows or Linux, or cmd + R on MacOS to refresh your currently opened page)

    How to search on fields?

    You can search on all the fields in the system, or by using the top input boxes on the lists or in advance filters.

    For Date fields:

    You can use all these methods to filter dates:

    • Manually enter a date (for example: 31.12.2017, or 31.12 or 31.12.17). You can use dots (.), traits (-) or slashes (/) as separators, but the expected format for the date is DD/MM/YYYY. You can omit the year, or enter only the last two digits, the system will autocomplete your entry and display it, formatted.
    • Using the calendar if you click inside the field, a calendar popup will appear: click on a date and the filter will be applied to the list.
    • Using operators and manual entries combined:
      • « < » means «t; smaller than ».
        • Usage exemple: «t; <15/01/2017 » will return all the entries with a date prior to the 15th of January 2017.
      • « > » means « bigger than ».
        • Usage exemple: «t; >25/02/2017 » will return all the entries with a date after the 25th of February 2017.
      • « <= » means « ;smaller than or equal to ».
        • Usage exemple: « <=03/03/2003 » will return all the entries with a date prior to the third of March, including the third of March.
      • « >= » means « bigger than or equal to ».
        • Usage exemple: « >=25/12/2012 » will return all the entries with a date posterior to the 25th of December 2012, including this special day.
      • « <>> » means « different from ».
        • Usage exemple: « <>>06/06/06 » will return all the entries with a date, excluding the ones from the 6th of June 2006.
      • « .. » means « range filtering » .
        • Usage exemple: « 01/01/2016..31/01/2016 » will return all the entries with a date between the first of January and the thirty-first of January 2016 (both dates included).
      • « , » means « one or the other » (known as « OR » filter).
        • Usage exemple: « 06/07/2018,08/07/2018 » will return all the entries from both dates (excluding the 07/07/2018 in this example. You can also write it with a space, like this: « 06/07/2018, 08/07/2018 »

    For Number fields:

    You can use operators to filter on number fileds:

    • « < » means « smaller than ».
      • Usage exemple: « <100 » will return all the entries with a number less than 100.
    • « > » means « bigger than ».
      • Usage exemple: « >100 » will return all the entries with a number greater than 100.
    • « <= » means « smaller than or equal to ».
      • Usage exemple: « <=100 » will return all the entries with a number less or equal to 100.
    • « >= » means « bigger than or equal to ».
      • Usage exemple: « >=100 » will return all the entries with a number greater or equal to 100
    • « <>> » means « different from ».
      • Usage exemple: « <>100 » will return all the entries with a number different than 100.
    • « .. » means « range filtering ».
      • Usage exemple: « 100..200 » will return all the entries with number between 100 and 200 (both numbers included).

    For Text fields:

    You can filter text either by typing any text in the field, or by excluding text in your search. If you want to find all records containing the text « Geneva », just type the text in the text field. I f you want to exclude « Geneva » from your search, type « <>Geneva ». « <> » are used to exclude text from the search. If you type « <> », the system will look for all records having something in the text field.

    How to sort a list in Wyzio?

    On all the lists of the system, you will be able to sort the columns to have the data contained in a certain order. For example, in the Contacts list, you will be able to sort the contacts alphabetically by (last) Name, by Roles attribution or by contact type.

    All the lists have a default sorting order: chronologically, alphabetically by name, and so on... This default sorting order is represented by a different sorting icon: instead of representing two arrows on top of each other, you will only see one arrow pointing up (ascending) or pointing down (descending).

    Clicking on any of the sorting icons in the list will have the same effect: remove the previous sorting order, and sort the list by ascending or descending order, based on the type of data present in the column you are sorting.

    How to filter a list in Wyzio?

    Filtering is slightly different than sorting, depending on the module and the type of filtering that you can apply. But let's explain with examples:

    1. You want to filter all the contacts, that have a supplier role (and only them), with a name that contains the letters « es ».
      1. Go to Contacts module
      2. Click on the Supplier checkbox
      3. The list is filtered and only contains the contacts with supplier role
      4. In the Name filtering field, enter « es »
      5. The list is filtered and only contains the contacts with supplier role AND the letters « es »
    2. You want to find all the Journal entries related to a specific date (25th of december 2012), with a restriction on the type of entry (you only want to see the Purchase Invoices).
      1. Go to the Journal module
      2. Click on the Type dropdown menu and choose the type « Purchase Invoice »
      3. Click on the Date field and enter your date filter
      4. Now the list presents all the journal entries with a Purchase Invoice type, and a date value of 25.12.2012
    How to manage accounting periods?

    Open the Accounting Periods module from the menu

    In this page, you will be able to view, and manage all the accounting periods of your company.

    Accounting Periods (list view):

    On each accounting period you can click on the « Action Triangle » which is located on the last column on the right of the table.

    • Action Triangle column
      • If the selected accounting period is:
        • Opened and Locked, the available options will be « Close », « Unlock »
        • Opened and Unlocked, the available options will be « Close », « Lock »
        • Closed and Locked, the available option will be « Re-Open »
          • An accounting period can not be Unlocked if Closed.
          • There can be only one Opened accounting period at a time.
          • There can be many Inactive and Closed accounting periods at a time.
          • Closing an accounting period, as well as reopening one, will create the all the according entries in the system
            (journal & general ledger, balancing, and so on...).
    • Add new period button (located on the bottom right corner of the table) - Use this button to create a new accounting period
    • How to select an accounting period in the list
      • Click on any line in the list to select it: your selection will be highlighted in a light blue colour.
      • With one element selected, you can also use the up and down arrow keys of your keyboard to change your selection. Or use the left click of your mouse to select another element.
    • How to open the Details of an accounting period in the list
      • Simply double-click on any selected line in the table to see its details. Or press enter with a selection made.

    Accounting Period Details

    • General section
      • Fiscal Year - From five years in the past to five years in the future, please select the Fiscal Year you are creating an Accounting Period for. The fiscal year must be unique.
      • VAT Rule - possible options:
        1. Received Compensation
        2. Agreed Service
        3. None
        4. TDFN - Received Compensation*
        5. TDFN - Agreed Service*
        • *The following fields will only appear for TDFN Rules:
        • Rate 1 - Please enter the corresponding rate, for example 1.5 for 1.5% or 5.00 for 5 percent
        • Rate 1 Accounts - Please select all the account(s) for which the corresponding rate must be applied.
        • Rate 2 - Please enter the corresponding rate, for example 1.5 for 1.5% or 5.00 for 5 percent
        • Rate 2 Accounts - Please select all the account(s), for which the corresponding rate must be applied.
      • Attribution and/or changing of VAT Rule is subject to legal approval and has an impact on the VAT reporting.
      • Start (date) - Allows you to choose the first day of the period (included)
      • End (date) - Allows you to choose the last day of the period (included)
      • By default and by convenience, the start date of the created accounting period will use the end day of the previous period, plus one day.
    • Lock section
      • Lock Until
        • This will allow you to lock the accounting period for modifications until the given date.
      • Unlocked slider
        • This slider allows you to unlock the period, from this page.
    How to manage contacts?

    What is a contact in the system ? To better understand the way it works, let's use the following statements:

    • Clients and Suppliers are contacts
    • All the users in the system are (at least) contacts
    • A contact can be only a contact, and nothing else
    • A contact can have multiple roles at the same time, with different informations related to each role (eg. client, and supplier).
    • All the contacts are related to a company, and company-wide (access restrictions will be discussed later)
    • A contact can be an individual or a company

    Now that this has been said, let's create our first contact.

    Using the menu on the left side of the screen, click on the Contacts menu icon to open the Contacts module.

    The Contacts module is opened, and you can now see a list of all the contacts of your company. Here, you will be able to use sorting methods, filtering methods, and look for very specific informations in the whole list - but let's come back to this later. First, we will create a contact. This will allow you to better understand the way Contacts work in the system, and to know exactly what to look for in the list, afterwards.

    Create a contact

    Below the list, you will find a small button called « add new contact ». Click on it to add a new contact.

    Let's have a look at the detailed screen of a contact. It is composed of the following sections:

    1. « General »

    2. « Communications »

    3. « Relations »

    4. « Address »

    5. « Bank Account »

    1. In the « General » section, you will be able to enter global informations about the contact, such as :

    • Is it a company or an individual ?

    • What main langage does your contact use ?

    • What is the country of origin of your Company-type contact ?

    In the General section, depending on the type of your contact, you will be requested to enter some mandatory informations :

    • For Corporation-type contacts, only the Name will be requested.

    • For Individual-type contacts, you will have to enter a Name, and a First Name.

    2. « Communications ». In this section, you will be able to enter a phone number, a fax number, a mobile number, as well as an email address, and a website.

    3. In the « Address » section, you will be able to enter as many addresses as you wish for the contact.

    • If you enter an address, the only mandatory field will be its Name. It will be used in two ways:

      • as an Address Title, for you to be able to easily choose which address

      • to select from (practical if you have many addresses for that contact) as a simple selector, in the menus, later in the system.

    • You can think of the Address Name as a label for that address.

    4. « Bank account » section :

    • If you enter a Bank account, you will have to enter most of the informations before to be able to save it: only the « Address / Remarks » are not mandatory for this section.
    • Of course, you can also save a contact without a bank account, if you wish to.

    Here are the fields you will find in this section :

    • Name - In a very similar way to that of the addresses, the Name of the bank account will be used as a « label » throughout the system.

    • Account number - Please enter the bank account number here, with an IBAN format (for exemple : CH5770382739639888406).

    • SWIFT / BIC - Please enter the SWIFT or BIC code here. It is a code that is used in SEPA countries to identify, in a unique way, a bank institution. For exemple, the SWIFT code for Swiss Post Postfinance is « POFICHBEXXX ».

    • Finally, the Institution / bank name is a simple way for you to name the bank account in a « less visible way ». You can, for example, give the Bank Account a « Suppliers » Name, as you plan to dedicate this specific bank account to your suppliers, and use the Institution/bank name field to give the institution its real bank name. Please also be aware that you will only see the « label » of the bank account in the system, most of the time.

    • Address / Remarks – here you can enter anything, with some examples being the institution address, the name of the account manager, an annual saving interest percentage, or maybe the contact informations of a known person within the bank.

      NB : Please also be aware that, depending on the role that you will attribute to the Contact, there might be additional requested informations such as Date of Birth, Language, Nationality, Email, for example.

    Editing a contact

    To modify a contact, double-click on its name in the contact's list. You will be found in the same Details page that you used to create the contact, but this time with the selected contact details.

    Click on the field where you want to change information, and modify everything you want. Be advised that, depending on your permissions and on certain parameters, you might not be able to remove roles, or to delete mandatory informations (like the email address of a contact with a user role, for example).

    Once your modifications are done, don't forget to click on « Save » (to keep your modifications) or « Discard » to come back to the previously saved state before modifications.

    You can also add or modify Addresses and Bank Accounts.

    For Roles-specific tabs, please refer to the corresponding Role-section of the present User-Guide.

    Basic Contact Tabs

    For each contact in the system, there are a number of tabs that can be found depending on your access rights:

    1. Details
    2. Documents
    3. System
    4. Others
    5. Activity Log

    Please note that user may or may not have access to all the mentioned tabs, depending on its granted permissions.

    The Details tab will present all the detailled informations available in the system for the contact.

    The Documents tab will show all the documents linked to the contact directly (user imported documents, attributed invoices, and so on...). Please refer to the Documents section of the present user guide for further informations related to the documents in the system.

    The System tab contains a field that can be used to save a unique identifier coming from an external system, thus enbaling synchronization of Wyzio's contacts with other platforms (eg. linking Wyzio with a CRM system.

    The Other tab presents three sections. The first one is a small CRM tool, enabling you to keep track of activities you had with your clients and/or suppliers. The second one is a section that enables you to create custom fields in the Contacts module. You may need/want to have some extra information that we didn't think of and that could be very useful for your business. Any field created in this section are searchable through the advance filter like any other field. The third section contains a « Tag » field. You can use this field to « tag » your contacts.

    The Activity Log tab will show all the activity related to the current contact directly. This adds a security level to the system by allowing traceability to one's actions.

    How do I attribute a Role to a Contact?

    How to give a specific role to a contact ?

    • You will need the corresponding permissions to attribute roles

    Go to the Contacts module, enter the Contacts Details that you wish to attribute a role to (either by double-clicking on its name or by pressing enter with the contact selected).

    In the « Roles frame », click in the checkbox near the Role that you want to add - a new Tab appears.

    If you added the Client Role (individuals or company type contacts):

    • You can save using the « Save » button on the top right corner of your screen. Nothing else will be requested.
    • You can move on to the « How to create a Client » section of this user guide to help you with this Role.

    If you added the Supplier Role (individuals or company type contacts):

    • You can save using the « Save » button on the top right corner of your screen. Nothing else will be requested.
    • You can move on to the How to create a Supplier » section of this user guide to help you with this Role.

    If you added the Employee Role (individuals only):

    • You will need the following informations to be able to save :
      • In the Details Tab:
        • Contact Last Name
        • Contact First Name
        • Contact Nationality
        • Contact Gender
        • Contact Birth date
      • In the Staff Tab:
        • Contact Permit Type (Work Permit)
        • Contact Permit Expiry Date

    Only then will you be able to save (the system will keep asking you for Contact's OASI Number, but it is not mandatory). You can find more explanations about the Staff Tab in the « How to create an Employee » section of this user guide.

    If you added the User Role:

    • You will need the following informations to be able to save :
      • In the Details Tab :
        • Contact Last Name
        • Contact First Name
        • Contact Email address

    Saving will then be possible, but at this point, the created user will not be able to access the system: a password and the OTP Code will be required.

      • Go to the User Tab and press « Send Instructions ». The user will then receive an email with it's QR Code and the instructions to login for the first time.
      • Please also verify the Permissions granted to the user are the right ones, and that the User Status is defined on « Active » (the slider must be blue).
    How do I create a client?
    • You already created the contact with all corresponding fields.
    • You already attributed the Client Role to the contact and saved your changes.

    Tip: a Client can be a company or an individual.

    If not already, go to the Contacts module.

    Double-click on the Contact that you just attributed the Client Role to (or select the Contact in the list and press enter).

    Once on the Details page, click on the Client tab that you can see next to the Details tab.

    Now you can see the following fields
    (nota bene: all the fields named with « default » will take the company settings if not filed in, thus there is no need to fill all the fields if you want to use the values define at the company level):

    • Default Business Unit
      This is default Service or Department that usually handles that Client, depending on your company's hierarchy and its Business Units (see « How to manage Business Units » section in this user guide).

    • Default Account for Payments
      The usual account used by this client to pay (value by default)

    • Default Attribution Account
      The attribution account that will be used for the accounting of this client (for example: 3000 Sales of Goods)
      all the accounts visible here must have the « Sales Invoices » usage filter activated

    • Default Balance Sheet Account
      The usual account used for the emission accounting of this client (for example: 1200 Clients)
      all the accounts visible here must be of « Balance Sheet » account type

    • Default Payment Currency
      The currency used by the client for payment (value by default).
      Based on the ISO-norm for Currencies, this list uses 3-characters ISO abbreviations, for example CHF for Swiss Francs, EUR for Euros, aso...

    • Default Order Address
      The address which will be used by default when creating a new order for that client

    • Default Invoice Address
      The address which will be used by default when creating a new invoice for that client

    • VAT Number
      The client's VAT Number, that will be used later for invoices generation.

    • VAT Type
      This field will only be visible and editable if your company's country is Switzerland. Otherwise, it will not appear.
      Possible values:

      • Automatic
      • 220 - Tax-exempt Revenue
      • 221 - Revenue from abroad
      • 230 - Revenue declared excluded from the scope of tax for which it was not opted
      • 235 - Decreases in Revenue
      • 280 - Miscellaneous (e.g. Land value)
    • VAT %
      This is also based on company's main address country. For Switzerland, you will see the actual percentages values (7.7%, 3,6% and 2,5%).

    • Requested Payment Terms
      This is the number of days requested for the client to pay its bills. Usually, it's 30 days in Switzerland.

    • Late Notice Margin
      This is the period of time that will pass, after the Requested Payment Terms delay, before a Late Notice will be sent. For example, if you have 30 days for Requested Payment Terms, and 30 days for Late Notice Margin, the system will send the first Late Notice 61 days after the date of the invoice.

    • Client Discount Rate
      As the name suggest, this is the discount percentage granted to a specific client: it will be applied on each invoice for that client.

    • Credit Limit
      This is an annual limit of credit for this client: he will not be allowed to have opened invoices (unpaid) for an overall amount superior to the one specified here. For example, if the amount specified here is 100.- (always use company currency here), the client will not be able to have more than 100.- unpaid amongst all his opened invoices with the company.

    • Order Validity
      Gives the number of days an proposed order will be valid for a client to accept it.

    • Advance Invoicing Note
      This field can contain a remark that will popup when generating invoices through the Advanced Invoicing module, per example giving a warning message to check that the invoice is sent to the correct address.

    How to create a Supplier?
    • You have already created the contact with all the corresponding fields.
    • You have already assigned the vendor role to the contact and saved your changes.

    Tip: a Supplier can be a company or an individual.

    If you have not already done so, go to the Contacts module.

    Double-click the contact you just assigned the Supplier role to (or select the contact from the list and press Enter).

    Double-click the contact you just assigned the Supplier role to.

    On the details page, click on the Provider tab that you can see next to the Details tab.

    Now you can see the following fields
    (nota bene: all fields named with « default » will take the company settings if not filled in, so it is not necessary to fill in all fields if you want to use the values set at the company level):

    • Default Business Unit
      This is the default department or service that typically manages this customer, based on your company's hierarchy and its business units (see « How to Manage Business Units » section in this user guide).

    • Default account for payments
      The usual account used by this customer to pay (default value)

    • Default Allocation Account
      The allocation account that will be used for this customer's accounting (for example: 3000 Merchandise Sales)
      All accounts visible here must have the « Sales Invoices » usage filter enabled

    • Default Balance Sheet Account
      The usual account used for this customer's issue accounting (e.g., 1200 Accounts Receivable)
      all accounts visible here must have « Balance Sheet »

    • Default payment currency
      The currency used by the customer for payment (default value).
      According to the ISO standard for currencies, this list uses 3-character ISO abbreviations, e.g. CHF for Swiss francs, EUR for euros, aso...

    • VAT number
      The customer's VAT number, which will be used later for invoice generation

    • VAT Type
      This field will only be visible and editable if your company's country is Switzerland. Otherwise, it will not appear.
      Possible values:

      • 400 - Pre-tax on material and service costs
      • 405 - Pre-tax on investments and other operating expenses
      • No VAT
    • VAT %
      This is also based on the country of the main business address. For Switzerland, you will see the actual percentage values (7.7%, 3.6% and 2.5%).

    • Payment terms requested
      This is the number of days requested by the supplier to pay their invoices. Generally, it is 30 days in Switzerland.

    • Payment Fee Allocation
      This is how the bank fees will need to be allocated between the company and the supplier. By default, when making payments in Switzerland or SEPA payments, the split is « Shared fees »

      • Charged to the beneficiary
      • .
      • Shared Charges
      • Charged to the orderer
    How do I automate the bank reconciliation (EBICS)?

    We are currently supporting the following banks:

    • Banque Cantonal de Fribourg
    • Banque Cantonale de Genève
    • Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
    • Banque CIC
    • Banque Valiant
    • Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank
    • Berner Kantonalbank
    • Crédit Suisse
    • Lucerner Kantonalbank
    • Postfinance
    • Raiffeisen
    • UBS
    • VP Bank
    • Zuger Kantonalbank

    If your bank is not listed, first contact your bank to know if an EBICS connection exists and then contact us to initiate the communication with your bank.

    EBICS Keys generation

    Please make sure to have all the required information before trying to generate the keys.

    To generate the keys, go to Settings -> General -> System tab. You will find the EBICS section in which you'll have to fill in your details and click the "Generate keys" button.

    Of course, your bank account must have been setup in Wyzio before trying to generate the EBICS keys.

    If all the informations are correct, you will receive an email from with a letter you will have to sign and return to your bank.

    EBICS Keys initialization

    Once being processed by the bank, you will be informed by the bank that your contract is active.

    You will then be able to initiate the connection by going back to Settings -> General -> System tab in the EBICS section. You will see the "Initiate keys" button. Click on it. That's it. If the connection was successfully activated, you will see that the button has been replaced by "Initiated".

    How to manage Business Units?

    The Business Units should be used as a « hierarchy tree representation » through the whole system. It can be used, for example, to attribute invoices to a defined department of your company, or to order articles requested by another department. The main purpose of the Business Units is to do analytical accounting. You will be able to analyze your P&L by Business Unit per exemple.

    The module, when empty, shows only a line on top, with a « Click to Add » button on the right bottom side of the line. Otherwise, you will see the « tree structure » of the departments of your company.

    1) Creating a Business Unit is really simple:

    • Use the « Click to Add » button
    • In the popup window that just appeared, enter a name for your Business Unit.
    • To proceed, click on « Create » or press Enter on your keyboard. That's it ! Otherwise, click on « Cancel » to abort the creation.
    • The newly created Business Unit appears on the list.

    2) To modify the Business Units:

    • Move your Business Unit (using Drag & Drop) to wherever you want.
    • You can also change its name by double-clicking on it, or using the « Modify » option in the Action Triangle popup. Then, edit the name in the popup that will appear.

    3) To delete a Business Units:

    • Click on the Action Triangle on the same line than the Business Unit you are willing to delete
    • Confirm the deletion (YES) or abort it (NO).
      • Note: you cannot delete a Business Unit that has been attributed to any items within the system. You will need to remove the attribution first in order to delete the Business Unit.

    4) Below, you will find an example (totally made-up) of Business Units tree structure:

    • Administration
      • Direction
      • Human Resources
    • Sales
      • Marketing
      • National Sales
        • Hardware Sales
        • Services Sales
      • International Sales
    • IT
      • Helpdesk
      • Development
    • Purchases
      • Stocks
      • Resales

    In the given example, you can take the Department « Stocks », under « Purchases »t;, and move it under « Administration »t;, if you wish.
    You can create as many Business Units that you want, organize them with as many levels that you wish, rename them, delete them... Complete freedom.

    5) To export the list of Business Units:

    • Click on the « Export Data » button (under the Avatar menu)
    • The file is automatically downloaded, with an Microsoft Excel format (.XLSX)
      • Note: the hierarchy of the Business Units will not be displayed, the children will be placed under their parents (based on the exemple above, you would see, for example:)
        • Administration
        • Direction
        • Human Resources
        • Sales
        • (and so on...)
    How to configure the salaries?

    Here we are going to configure all the salary options for your company. This configuration depends on two main things:

    1. The Country where your company resides.
    2. The Calendar Year for your configuration. All the salary settings here are defined per year.

    Tip: please be careful to select a calendar year prior to configure the sections described in this guide, otherwise you could have to do it all over again afterwards. A salary configuration must exist in the system for the country of your company and/or your region.

    This section mostly depends on the Salary configuration of your country, so the sections and fields can be different from what will be described here, but this is just to give you an example:

    • CLA
    • Contributions table
      • Accidents Insurance (LAA)
      • Complementary Accident Insurance (LAAC)
      • Complementary Accident Insurance - (LAAC - Excess Share)
      • Loss on Earnings Insurance
    • Salary Table
    • Holidays
    • Accounting

    While you will probably not need a guide for the specific sections, here are some explanations for the Salary Table and the Accounting sections:

    Salary Table section The following table fields should be used to add « special events » lines that only concern the employer or all the employees for a defined period of time. For example, if the company decides to give a special bonus at the end of the year, or decide to attribute a bonus for a certain period of time - you will be able to define all this in this section. All the lines here will appear on the salary slip of the employee, with all the data.

    Accounting Table

    This table presents the following columns:

    • Line Number
    • Line Name
    • Balance Sheet
    • P&L - Operations
    • P&L - Admin

    The goal here is to define all the accounts that will be used for the generation and calculations:

    • Line Number
      • You should find here all the lines that you can configure for your company, that are linked to an account.
    • Line Name
      • The names of the lines from the previous column.
    • Balance Sheet
      • In case the line requests an operation including balancing a Balance Sheet account and a P&L account, you can define the first in this column. One example would be all the social charges that will be using the Balance Sheet account « 2340 - Social charges (AVS-AI / AC / Amat) »
    • P&L - Operations
      • This is the P&L accounting part for the line, that can be balanced with a Balance Sheet account (or not, depending on the line). The « Employee Group Section » value (in the Staff tab of the Employee) will define which account to use here: Operations or Admin.
      • The account defined here will be used if the value of the Employee in the Employee Group Section is defined to « Operations ».
    • P&L - Admin
      • If the « Employee Group Section » value is « Admin », the account defined here will be used.
    • Tip: if the « Employee Group Section » has multiple values, a calculation will be made. Here is an example:

      Jean Robert has two lines defined in Employee Group Section, because he is the lead officer of the Sales Department (for which he works at a 80% rate) - but he also helps his colleagues in the Marketing Department (for the remaining 20% of his working time). So the « Employee Group Section » for Jean Robert has the following values:
      1. Admin - Sales Invoices - 80.00
      2. Operations - Marketing - 20.00
      The calculations will then take 80% of the total calculated amount to the account mentioned in « P&L - Admin », and 20% of the total calculated amount will go the account mentioned in « P&L - Operations », with the mention of the corresponding Business Units every time.
    How to setup the Employees Salaries?

    In the contacts list, find contacts which have the Employe Role. Open the detail of that contact. In the Staff tab, under the Timesheet Pricing table, you can find a Calendar Year dropdown: the options present here depend on the Country of your company: in our system, the salaries are configured for each country, and they are based on the rules and laws of each country.

    • In the Calendar Year dropdown, select the year that you want to configure your salaries for.
    • A « Click to add » button will appear. Click on it and you will see four different important things:
      1. A date title, similar as the ones you have already seen in the Contacts Details page, for example « 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2017 ».
      2. An « Employment Start » calendar field
      3. An « Employment End » calendar field
      4. A « Copy Previous Period » button
    • With these important things, you can define your salary period(s). You will not be able to generate salaries out of a salary period.
      Enter an Employment Start date, an Employment End date and you are set.
    • NB: if you need to create several Salary Periods, you can do the following:
      1. Be sure to have the previous period ending before the end of the calendar year you are using (for example « 01/01.2017 - 30.06.2017 »), then click on « Click to add »
      2. Use the « Copy Previous Period » button to copy all the data from the previous period for the newly created one.
      3. A new salary period has been created, starting the day after the end date of the previous period (in the example given, the next salary period would start the 01/07/2017). The end date by default will be the last day of the calendar year (for example « 31/12/2017 »)
      4. All the data from the following sections will also be copied:
        • Salary Info
        • Employee Group
        • Payslip Setup
        • Payslip Table
        • Salary Certificate Notes

    Salary Info section

    • Type
      • Monthly or Timesheet based
    • Payroll currency
      • The currency that will be used for the calculations of the salary, as it might differ from the company currency.
    • Work Occupancy
      • (from 1 to 100 percent)
    • Vacations (...) hours per year at 100% occupancy
    • Default Account for Payments
      • The account that will be used to pay this employee's salaries.
    • Source Tax
    • Salary Amount
    • Payable to
      • The employee's bank account that will be used for the payment of the salary.
    • Capacity (...) hours per week
      • This will be used for statistics and calculations of the timesheets, amongst other things.
    • Employee Group
      • The company can set multiple groups of employees when having different insurance contracts. This field define in which group of employees the staff belongs to.
    • Region
    • Total Occupancy
        This field appears only if the flag Source Tax is set. It tells the system at what rate the revenue should be taxed depending on th total work occupancy of the employee.
    • Source Tax Scale

    Accounting Group section

    • Group
      • Admin or Operations
    • Business Unit
      • The Department or Service of the Employee
    • Percentage %
      • Time spent working for the Department or Service, in regard with the 100% working time of the employee

    Payslip Table section

    • This table will contain all the « Employee lines » for the country of your company, based on the corresponding Salary Configuration.
      These lines are specific taxes or amounts that are calculated individually for each employee, but can be modified in certain cases. You can also add new lines for entries that only concern the employee for a defined period of time. For example, if the employee is granted with an end-of-year bonus, or has been working under specific salary conditions for a certain period of time - you will be able to define all this in this table. All the lines here will appear on the salary slip of the employee, with all the data.

      • Start
      • End
      • Line
        • The lines here are taken from the Salary Configurations for the Country of your company.
      • Description
        • This will appear on the Salary Slip.
      • The following will depend on the configuration as well, but you will never have to enter all values: it can be a value or a percentage, not both.
        • Value
          • Employee
          • Employer
          • Qty
        • Percentage %
          • Employee
          • Employer
      • Action Triangle button
        • Duplicate
        • Delete
      • « Add New Line » button

      Tip: the value which the percentage is based on is defined on the configuration level, you will not have to enter it.

      Salary Certificate Notes section

      • Here you can write notes that will appear on the Salary Certificate of the employee.

      And down the page, you will find two buttons that will be used in the Salary Certificate:

      • Free transport to work
      • Canteen Meals/Meal vouchers
    How to manage Article Categories?

    The Article Categories are very similar, in terms of usage, to the Business Units. Their purpose is for users to be able to categorize the articles they are using, through all the system. That said, if you are already familiar with the Business Units module, you can easily cross-read this guide.

    The module, when empty, shows only a line on top, with a « Click to Add » button on the right bottom side of the line. Otherwise, you will see the « tree structure » of all the article categories of your company.

    1) How to create an article category:

    1. Use the « Click to Add » button
    2. In the popup window that just appeared, enter a name for your Category.
    3. To proceed, click on « Create » or press Enter on your keyboard.Otherwise, click on « Cancel » to abort the creation.
    4. The newly created Article Category appears on the list.

    2) To modify the Article Categories:

    • Move your Category (using Drag&Drop) to wherever you want.
    • You can also change its name by double-clicking on it, or using the « Modify » option in the Action Triangle popup. Then, edit the name in the popup that will appear.

    3) To delete a Category:

    • Click on the Action Triangle on the same line than the Article Category you are willing to delete
    • Confirm the deletion (Yes) or abort it (No).
      • Note: you cannot delete an Article Category that has articles attributed to it: you will first have to remove the attribution from the Articles.

    4) Below, you will find an example (totally made-up) of Article Categories tree structure:

    • Beverages
      • Alcoholic
      • Fruit Juices
      • Sodas
    • Organic Food
      • Vegetables
        • Organic Labels
        • Others
      • Fruits
        • Organic Labels
        • Others
    • Fast-Food
      • Hamburgers
      • Pizzas
      • Sushis
    • Spices
      • Dried spices
      • Fresh spices

    You can create as many Article Categories that you wish, organize them with as many levels as you need, rename them, delete them... As you wish.

    5) To export the list of Article Categories:

    • Click on the « Export Data » button on the right top of the screen (under the Avatar menu)
    • The file is automatically downloaded, with an Microsoft Excel format (.XLSX)
      • Note: the hierarchy of the Article Categories will not be displayed, the children will only be placed under their parents (based on the exemple above, you would see, for example:)
        • Organic Food
        • Vegetables
        • Organic Labels
        • Others
        • Fruits
        • (and so on...)

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